Certificate of Achievement, Luxembourg Art Prize


I have received a Certificate of Achievement, Luxembourg Art Prize  for “Never  More”, Fréo Ellenlic” and “Temptation” from Pinacothèque Museum a private art museum in Luxembourg. “The Museum issues a certificate of artistic merit for the year of participation to all artists who distinguished themselves from a qualitative perspective, whether or not they are finalists…The objective of the certificate is to provide official recognition from the Museum to artist participants whose merit and artistic talent have been specifically noted.” Needless to say it is an honor. This is the second time I have submitted work and received this honor, though not a finalist.Temptation

Never More 72 x 52.5 inches, 2022
Tapestry Fréo Ellenlic: Brave and Valiant Woman 43 x 28.5 inches
Fréo Ellenlic: Brave and Valiant Woman
43 x 28.5 inches