About these articles

The purpose of these articles is to give you, the artist,* the tools you need to  promote your work in a professional manner. I don’t presume to know all the answers, but I would like to share with you the information and resources I have been compiling along with occasional insights from my personal experiences. All the resources here are free. Some of the information you will find are the how and why of:

  • writing an artist bio, statement, resume and press release.
  • speaking about your work.
  • navigating many of the online social media options.
  • digital photography and videos.
  • tapestry finishing and presentation.
  • postcards, brochures, business cards and other printed promotional materials.
  • the business of selling: dealing with galleries, craft shows, pricing, selling online, commissions, writing contracts as well as packing and shipping locally and internationally.
  • the business of art: branding, forming a business, dealing with taxes and funding in the form of grants and crowd sourcing as well as time management.

You will find information on art theory, relevant books and online classes, residencies and other related links. You can use the comment area to ‘converse’ with others, sharing your experiences and posing questions. I hope you will use these articles to your advantage.  Please use comments to share your experiences: both what has worked and what has not worked for you.

Thank you,

Barbara Burns

*see Do you call yourself an artist?